Monday, November 11, 2013

Button Talk given by Guy & J-ME of Wild Things Beads

Button, Button, Who's got the Button?

Guy & J-Me will be giving a Button talk at the Sacramento Button Club 
Learn how Glass Buttons are made in Czech Republic and the history of that area.
We will have sample cards, button pliers, samples of glass and of course lots of buttons!!
Nov 12 at 11am
Location: South Natomas Library
2901 Truxel Rd, In Sacramento, Ca

J-Me and Guy are the owners of Wild Things Beads, a small family run import business specializing in Czech glass beads and buttons and finding the unusual to bring to their warehouse. They also run working bead tours to Jablonec and Hong Kong. Their warehouse is located deep in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California, and can be reached by phone at (530)743 1339 or on the web at They are also open by appointment at their warehouse.

Sacramento Button Club.

So you love buttons. You've inherited your Grandmother's collection, taken over your Mother's stash, added your own finds over the years, but now you want more. You want to know about them, fine tune your collection, sell some, trade others, meet other button lovers.

So join a button club.

We belong to the Sacramento Button Club, which meets at the Natomas public library  every second Tuesday of the month at 11am. We buy, sell and trade buttons at the meeting, and discuss various button topics. This upcoming meeting, 11/12/13, Wild Things Beads will be talking about the history of Czech glass buttons and how they are made.

You can also join the California Button Club, or even the National Button Club.

Google search button clubs, and a plethora of local, national and international clubs will come up.

J-Me and Guy are the owners of Wild Things Beads, a small family run import business specializing in Czech glass beads and buttons and finding the unusual to bring to their warehouse. They also run working bead tours to Jablonec and Hong Kong. Their warehouse is located deep in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California, and can be reached by phone at (530)743 1339 or on the web at They are also open by appointment at their warehouse.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Sacramento Button Club Bazaar
March 2 at 10am
Share this email notice with your friends!
many buttons
Wonderful Mother of Pearl Buttons!!!

283fsouthern belle

We wish to invite you and all your friends to attend the 2013 Button Bazaar, hosted by the Sacramento Button Club.
Whether you are just curious about buttons, a collector, a seam stress, a crafter, a sewer, a beader, a quilter, or just love to hoard buttons - there is something for everyone! There will be 18th century to contemporary, studio artists and more. Dealers will be coming from around the country to show off their wares.            The Sacramento Button Club is a non-profit organization for the study and perservation for the collecting of buttons. 
Hope to see you there!

more buttons

mo muttons


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Button Bazaar

Hosted By:  California State Button Society-May 2013
Public is Invited:  Saturday, May 18, 10:00 am -  5:00 pm
                            Sunday,   May 19, 10:00 am -  3:00 pm
Marriott-San Mateo-San Francisco Airport
1770 S. Amphlett Blvd.
San Mateo, Calif.  94402
Admission:  $5.00 Donation for Non CSBS Members
                    Includes two day attendance
Parking:  Additional Fee
Buttons for sewing, crafting, quilting, collecting, antique and vintageplus award winning button competition trays, educational exhibits, and other button related items. 
Contact:  Donnis Stoner     408-245-1630